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Discussion topic outcome
Channeling the right Investment / Women as the driving force of our Food Systems How do we help women entrepreneurs to create jobs? - Create an obligation to have shelf space in big distributors such as Carrefour, Wholefood, being able to take it to the world without having to be a fight everytime. - Targeted investments, creating jobs, and all that comes with it The current and sad truth is that nor even 10% if national budgets goes to agriculture - University to create more agritech courses - When talking about private sector, should include LOCAL private sector to empower them, only the loc
... Подробнееals know how they will target sustainability. Trade balance statistics (More imports than exports) How can african-Americans can learn about how to invest in Africa? What kind of business can a rich person invest in and help? Make sure to talk to African people who is taking care of the businesses Share the steps of what is being done in africa in America, for exemple organised tours in these communities, have these them showing what they want and like, so they can go back and produce what the market wants Shared journeys of transformation Open investment or Real purpose of economy Power of capital, intersection of culture, storytelling, investment Скрыть
Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3
Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Governance, Innovation, Trade-offs, Women & Youth Empowerment