Independent Dialogue
Geographical focus:
Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Discussion topic outcome
The objective of the research session was: i) to learn about their experiences (good or bad) and how the research institutes have exchanged or transferred knowledge to the farmer, ii) what projects are currently under development and whether they are in line with current (critical) problems and iii) what expectations they have regarding research applied to agriculture. The questions posed to the panelists were as follows: 1. what are your previous experiences and current research projects that can be converted into knowledge transfer and solutions to current problems for farmers with a focus o
... Read moren the particular vulnerability of agriculture? 2. What do you consider to be the future trends and challenges in applied research on the impacts of climate change with a focus on the particular vulnerability of agriculture? - Francisco Arreguín Sánchez (CICIMAR - Mexico) pointed out that fishing is the only branch of primary production that does not require inputs. The environmental conditions had been relatively stable until a few years ago; since 1980 there has been a change in the climate regime, which has had repercussions on the productivity of marine ecosystems. - Isaac Andrés Azuz Adeath (CETYS - Mexico) emphasized that he studies the relationship between agricultural production in the coastal region and environmental variability on decadal and geographic time scales of about 100 km. Due to these characteristics and the political times that determine the duration of the periods that authorities in the sector in Mexico remain in office (six-year periods), it is difficult to transfer knowledge to the small producer. - Francislene Angelotti (EMBRAPA - Brazil) mentioned as examples the conservation of natural resources for productive purposes, the search for species tolerant to high temperatures and water stress, phytosanitary aspects, the use of microorganisms to increase resistance to water stress, diseases and pests, and the use and management of water, among other aspects. He mentions as an example livestock systems with a neutral carbon balance. - Gabriel Ciappesoni (INIA-Uruguay) said that his institution is researching the best management practices, forage species, supplements, and forage concentrate in order to optimize livestock production and reduce GHG emissions. Other lines of research address the production of disease-resistant species with low GHG emissions, as well as the development of livestock and agricultural systems with soil conservation and biodiversity. Knowledge transfer is the greatest challenge and is currently carried out by region with the purpose of increasing the resilience of productive systems. - Doris Soto (INCAR-Chile) pointed out that her institution focused on preparing climate change risk maps for 20 sectors, including artisanal fishing and aquaculture. Biological, physical, climatic, productive, and management information was integrated into these maps. ( - Pablo Yax (IPICC-Guatemala) said that among the lines of research being addressed is the adaptation of local technology that is easily accessible to farmers, the search for crops that are resistant to climate variations, particularly species used in subsistence crops. Some of these efforts are carried out through collaborations with other countries. - Mercedes Andrade (CCC and Sustainability-Mexico) mentioned that her institution is focused on the study of climate change. Knowledge transfer is done through several strategies, one of which is to involve local human populations both in the research processes (e.g., in the evaluation of climate variability) and in the dissemination of results (e.g., through home garden workshops incorporating traditional knowledge). Read less
Action Track(s): 1, 3, 5
Keywords: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Governance, Innovation, Policy