Zimbabwe - Stage 3
Main findings
Action Track 1: Ensuring access to safe and nutritious food for all • There is need to ensure food safety through legislation, support healthy environment. MoHCC should put in place a food safety act. The government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) and partners should promote and enforce food safety standards in both formal and informal food markets to protect consumers. During anthrax outbreaks unscrupulous businessman sell meat that poses harm to consumers. Consumers to be advised to purchase meat from registered abattoirs. • Breastmilk substitute restrictions to be enforced to promote breastfeeding �
... Read more� It is critical that all agriculture strategies apply a nutrition lens and pursue a deliberate contribution to diversification of the diet.- Increase consumption of local nutritious foods through product diversification at both household and commercial levels. • Promote home grown school feeding programs which should be under intensified investment which include at least 5 or more types of fruits and vegetables (dietary diversity). • Investment in production and post-harvest technologies especially at small holder level • All social protection strategies should consider how explicit actions can be taken to address nutrition needs, this should be fairly low investment, high impact. • The provision of inputs that are compatible with the target agro-ecological region • Promote biofortification of staple crops like millet and sorghum in addition to what is already listed. Nutrient rich varieties of Fe, Zn and Ca to be considered for Biofortification. We need to market bio-fortified foods so that they are part of national food supply systems • Reformulation of current food products to contain less fat, sugar and salt • Incentives for private sector to engage into producing nutritious healthy food- the notion that healthy food is profitable. • The government in partnership with relevant stakeholders should provide incentives for small-holder farmers who are growing healthy foods. Action Track 2: Shifting to sustainable consumption patterns • CCZ to Focus on consumer marketing, education and awareness (CCZ intends to grow their efforts to increase consumer demand for healthy food). Deliberate sensitization of the younger generation about the benefits of the indigenous and traditional foods is key. • To improve interest for indigenous foods especially amongst younger demographics. This will raise demand and stimulate production of these traditional Foods. Sustainable urban agriculture and development of value chains to improve production and consumption. • There is need to create an environment that is conducive for sustainability e.g. having food vouchers for nutritious foods, instil nutrition education and healthy food product promotions in the supermarkets. • Research is needed to understand the food environment, food consumption patterns and developing indicators that need to be tracked and characteristics of sustainable consumption • There is need to reduce the levels of food wastage and losses in Zimbabwe. Investment in post-harvest infrastructure and value addition is essential to ensure that we maximize on all that we have, come up with ways to reduce food loss in informal markets as well. Action Track 3: Boosting nature positive production at sufficient scale • Increase soil fertility through the use of organic soil fertilizers and doing away with the use of harmful synthetic fertilisers. Starting on farm organic fertilizer production. • Introduction of the use of live mulching when doing pfumvudza farming by doing intercropping. This will allow people located in areas where dry grass may not be available to still do pfumvunda. This also allow higher yield of various crops from a small pfumvudza plot. • When conducting the reforestation exercise there is need to plant fruit trees as well, like Avocado trees which can grow without any close monitoring to enhance nutrition. • Introducing curriculums that teach children at primary level on food and nutrition security focusing on the nature conserving productions. • There is need to address the lack of strict environmental governance and impose strict penalties for people who are starting veld fires as means of clearing land. • Scaling up community level nutrition sensitive agriculture interventions • Implement effectively the already existing policies and the already available resources to implement nature positive productions so as to prevent further degradation of the environment. Action Track 4: Advancing equitable livelihoods and value distribution • Equip extension workers to reach more rural farmers (motor bikes, fuel, capacity building etc). Dedicate specific extension workers to women and youth • Create a platform for specific set of skills for women and youth so that they can become specialised in certain area of agriculture as opposed to giving generic information on farm management • Banks that offer loans to young people and women should consider offering financial literacy skills for both women and youth. • Inclusion of names for both male and female couple for livestock cards • Awareness to communal leaders to include women to access land in order to avoid segregation of women • Capacity building for both women and training on specific skills e.g. women on management of funds and youth in ICT skills Action Track 5: Building resilience to vulnerabilities shocks and stress • Pfumvudza is improving yield and thus it needs to be strengthened, intensified and up scaled • Crop varieties resilient to drought and diseases need to be pro Read less
Action Track(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Keywords: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Governance, Human rights, Innovation, Policy, Trade-offs, Women & Youth Empowerment